Apocalyptic Heat

Screen shot: YouTube.com – sufferin succotash!


Iran’s temperatures reached 129 degrees on Thursday, “one of the earth’s hottest temperatures ever recorded,” reported USA Today.

That’s incredible, supernatural.

During the impending seven-year tribulation, at the end of this dispensation of time, God will issue Seven Seal Judgments, Seven Trumpet Judgments and Seven Vial Judgments upon the earth, exacting His wrath against the wicked for their evil deeds. Each set of judgments is more severe than the preceding ones. 

The Word of God tells us concerning the last seven years,

“The fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire” Revelation 16:8.

During the last half of the seven-year tribulation, during the Vial Judgments, the sun will “scorch men with fire,” as God’s wrath is poured out.

Iran is experiencing only a prelude to what is actually coming.

Iranians publicly spew out threats to annihilate Israel. They launched two missiles last year with the phrase “Israel must be wiped out” written on them.

Screen shot: YouTube.com – Iran’s missile with “Israel must be wiped out”

Iran should quit painting their (dud) missiles with antisemitic slogans and threats to destroy Israel, unless they want to feel God’s wrath ahead of time.

The Word of God tells us,

“I (God) will bless those who bless you (descendants of Abraham – Israel), and curse him who curses you, and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed” Genesis 12:3.

When will they ever learn?

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

6/29/17 – Pizzagate Update

* I found this article in Private view status, but I didn’t privatize it. I am publishing it for Public view on 9/1/20.

Please be advised that WordPress includes advertisements on this site; they are not selected by the publisher

Edited 12/7/19 to include updates.

Imp in disguise


I saw these headlines yesterday and my heart raced a bit: Podesta Meets with House Intelligence Panel Behind Closed Doors.

My heart raced just a little, but being the realist that I am, I passed the article up for a while; yet also being hopeful, I went back to the report.

The article by Bloomberg was just as I thought, a probe into Russia’s “interference” with the presidential election. 

This administration can’t be all hearing impaired, mute, and blind, so I am more than agitated that Trump’s FBI isn’t “raking John Podesta over the coals” about all of the leaks surrounding his, for all appearances (with good evidence), pedophilia and the video (linked above) wherein it seems he is torturing/beating, perhaps also molesting, a small child, which has been spread all over the internet.

In fact, with all of the Wikileaks evidence, videos, voice analysis, photos, Instagram evidence, pedophile logos included in business signage, etc, which implicates James Alefontis, John and Tony Podesta, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, Marina Abramovic, Jeffrey Epstein, just to name a few, in a child pedophile/trafficking ring, it is absurdly outrageous that none of these have been investigated!

Update:  Jeffrey Epstein has been, since the initial publication of this report, arrested and later killed in prison, although publicly his death was declared “suicide.” I believe, with good reason, that when President Donald Trump’s Administration arrested Epstein, those close to him hired killers to silence Epstein in order to protect themselves.

Evil has no friends. Remember that, pedophiles/traffickers!

I will say it again, if it acts like a duck, walks like a duck and smells like a duck, it is very likely a duck! Why would anyone want to act like a child-abusing pedophile, if they aren’t one?

This reminds me of the fact that people complained about Jimmy Savile molesting and trafficking children in the UK as far back as the 60s; even so, he was knighted by the “Royals,” and honored with a Papal Knighthood by Poop John Paul II (both having the same incentive for doing so). It was only immediately after Savile’s death in 2011, that the mainstream media publicized the accusations made against him. Now that he is dead, news media reported he has 500+ victims.

Harriett Harman, Member of Parliament – Witch

Patricia Hope Hewitt, Member of Parliament – Witch

UK Members of Parliament

You don’t believe this mindset is in America too? I strongly recommend you get your children out of public schools and into home education, or Christian schools at the very least, before what I know becomes your horrifying reality! *Please visit the Home Education page for more information.

Exactly the same thing is going on in America, rampant pedophilia among the upper echelons of government and the elite, yet no one is doing a thing about it, not even the Trump administration. They know.

Update:  They have taken one down since this publication, Jeffrey Epstein.

I don’t even have enough time/space here to upload all of the evidence against these REPROBATES; but much of it is included in the ABOMINATIONS Category, if you care to visit and educate yourselves. *There is a lot more evidence that I have never written about.

In this hour, we need to pray for the vast exposure of those that perpetrate such evil against children; and we need to pray for the Lord’s quick return, which is when God’s vengeance will be poured out against those who commit such evil. *If you have a social platform to do so, please publish this, and any other article about the same issue, through your website or social media pages.

The Word of God tells us,

“The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” Romans 1:18.

“Let no man deceive you with vain words, for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience” Ephesians 5:6.

Some people are having such a good time in this world, they aren’t even praying for the Lord’s return, but are rather looking forward to the next church potluck. If not for your own sake, or the pretribulation “travail” that is already coming upon the earth, we need to earnestly pray for the Lord’s soon return to bring about the rescue of children who are being kidnapped, molested, tortured and killed! The day in which we live is extremely evil.

“He who testifies these things says, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus” Revelation 22:20.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Major Earthquakes Hit Kermadec Islands, NZ (6.4) and L’Esperance Rock, NZ (6.0)



A major 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand, on June 28, 2017, at 18:20:57 UTC, at a depth of 54 km, reported Geoscience Australia.


A major 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit 115 km WNW of L’Esperance Rock, New Zealand, on June 29, 2017, at 07:03:10 UTC, at a depth of 392.3 km, reported USGS.

803 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 1,587 days. Among these were 91 7.0+ and 9 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; National Tsunami Warning Center; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)

Major to super magnitude earthquakes have increased to more than one every two days on average during the last 52 months.



Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns, “Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; and the Star of Bethlehem) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity (major nations are threatening war right now – possibly nuclear); the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining will also come to pass. Please don’t neglect your eternal soul. If you aren’t saved, I invite you to visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via URL link. *

US Propaganda May Be Prelude To Strike Against Assad

Screen shot: AP news headline 6/27/17


AP headlines on Tuesday: White House Warns Syria’s Assad Against Chemical Attack.

This is FAKE NEWS, propaganda, and it may have been launched by the White House in an effort to justify more strikes against Assad.

It seems the Luciferian Liberal US Intelligence continues to blindside President Trump concerning Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, or Trump is acting on his own, while the REAL genocidal maniacs run rampant in Syria.

The only ones apt to threaten with chemicals are Islamic State and Syrian “rebel” terrorists, certainly not President Assad.

Screen shot: YouTube.com – Syrian “rebel” beheads Christian in Syria. Does this look like a “conservative” Muslim to you, as Obama and this administration would have you believe? Understand what the real truth is!

It would be a great relief to see this nation fight against the REAL brutal, sadistic, maniacal Islamic State beasts and Syrian “rebel” terrorists, instead of President Bushar al-Assad.

Were Christians slaughtered in Syria before ISIS invaded? No! The brutality against Christians and the conservative citizens of Syria started with Obama-funded ISIS and Syrian “rebel” terrorists, and it continues to this day.

Yes, Obama is gone, but his cohorts remain throughout US Intelligence, the military, CIA and the FBI.

It appears we are seeing propaganda rising against Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad in order that they, certain factions within our government, can attempt to legitimize taking him down.

This is absolutely despicable and disgusting, especially while there are REAL ENEMIES to fight.

Everyone with a social platform needs to stand against this FAKE NEWS, call it out and name it what it is. We need to do the right thing and stand against this attack on President Assad.

God hates unjust judgment and inequity:

“Hear, I pray you, oh heads of Jacob and princes of the house of Israel, is it not for you to know judgment, who hate the good, and love the evil?…Then shall they cry unto the Lord, but He will not hear them; He will even hide His face from them at that time, as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings…Hear, I pray you, heads of the house of Jacob and princes of the house of Israel, that abhor judgment and pervert all equity. The heads thereof judge for reward and the priests thereof teach for hire and the prophets thereof divine for money, yet will they lean upon the Lord and say, Is not the Lord among us? No evil can come upon us. Therefore shall Zion, for your sake, be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest” Micah 3:1-2,4,9-12.

The Prophet Micah was speaking here against the false prophets, priests and princes of the house of Israel, who issued unrighteous judgments for gain. He said Jerusalem would become heaps for those things, and it did.

Iran publicly spews forth threats against Israel and America, but what has America done? Obama issued BILLIONS of dollars to Iran in return! Iranians shout “Death to Israel; death to America” in their public squares, but what did Barack Hussein Obama do? He conjured up a nuclear agreement with them, to allow them to formulate nuclear weapons against Israel and the US!

Christians lived peaceably in Syria for the last seventeen years during Assad’s presidency, and Assad has never been aggressive towards America. What happens to Assad for that?

After Obama-funded ISIS and Syrian “rebels” (terrorists!) started slaughtering Christians and launching chemical attacks in Syria, Obama, and now Trump, blames President Assad for the chemical attacks.

Doesn’t it sound strange to anyone that Christians and Americans were never threatened by Assad, but now Assad is being accused of crimes against humanity?

Assad is not a vicious terrorist, and he is friendly to, even protective of the Christians in Syria. That is a fatal crime, according to Muslim terrorists. Obama and Muslim terrorists want Assad taken down, so what does that say about Obama?

Screen shots: YouTube.com – Like I said, stealthy jihadi

What will that tell us about President Trump, if he proceeds to take down Assad? That would mean he is either ill advised by his Intelligence forces, or, God forbid, he has lied to the American people. I don’t believe it is the latter.

In summary, Iran threatens America constantly and they kill and oppress Christians, so Obama blesses them with billions of dollars and freedom to create nuclear power (bombs!).

Screen shot: YouTube.com – Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Obama

Syria is quiet and never threatens America before Obama-backed ISIS and “rebels” show up, slaughtering Christians in the most heinous ways and fighting to take down Assad. Now, Assad is blamed for all of the mayhem!

A lamebrain can figure this out.

Listen, folks; if Israel didn’t get away with casting unjust judgments against the weak and defenseless, trust me when I tell you that no one is going to get away with blessing Iran (blessing pure evil), or cursing Assad (who has defended Christians)! God will not exact judgment against Israel for their injustices, but allow Obama, or Trump, to get away with this evil against President Bashar al-Assad!

God hates seven things:

“A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies and he that sows discord among brethren” Proverbs 6:17-19.

It is commendable that President Trump upholds the name of the Lord in America (Israel did the same, according to Micah, while they judged falsely, and God brought judgment against Israel).

Whatever our military does, or does not do, in the Middle East, President Trump is ultimately responsible, because he is Commander in Chief.

Let us pray for President Trump that he issues just orders concerning Bashar al-Assad, because God is watching, and He requires justice, whether we lift up His Holy Name, or not!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Illinois Beyond Bankrupt

Screen shots: YouTube.com


Democratic Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza issued a warning to Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and other top government officials last Tuesday, stating that the budgetary impasse is “now reaching a new phase of crisis.”

In her letter, Mendoza stated,

“Accordingly, I must state to you at this time the full extent of our dire fiscal straits and the potential disruptions we face in addressing even our most critical core responsibilities going forward into the next fiscal year. My office has very serious concerns that, in the coming weeks, the State of Illinois will no longer be able to guarantee timely and predictable payments in a number of areas that we have to date managed (albeit with extreme difficulty) despite an unpaid bill backlog in excess of $15 billion and growing rapidly.”

Is this sick, or what? Illinois, specifically Chicago, has a history rife with corrupt politicians. This $15 BILLION in unpaid bills is clearly indicative of the plundering of corrupt politicians, among whom is Obama’s former right-hand man, Rahm Emanuel, The Godfather and Mayor of Chicago.

I have three simple suggestions for Illinois: REPENT; don’t ever again send Obama $65,000 worth of “hot dogs and pizza” (actually little boys and girls, as coded in a Wikileaks email); and wash the innocent blood off of your murderous hands for good!

Is it any wonder that a state as corrupt as Illinois goes bankrupt?

The Word of God tells us,

“How often is the candle of the wicked put out, and how often comes their destruction upon them! God distributes sorrows in His anger” Job 21:17.

“Fret not yourself because of evildoers, neither be envious against the workers of iniquity, for they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb…The wicked borrows and pays not again, but the righteous shows mercy and gives” Psalms 37:1-2,21.

“I have seen the wicked in great power and spreading himself like a green bay tree, yet he passed away and, lo, he was not. Yes, I sought him, but he could not be found” Psalms 37:36.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

6.2 Major Earthquake Hits Tonga



A major 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit 209 km NW of Nuku ‘alofa, Tonga, on June 25, 2017, at 17:42:30 UTC, at a depth of 38.3 km, reported USGS.

801 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 1,583 days. Among these were 91 7.0+ and 9 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; National Tsunami Warning Center; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)

Major to super magnitude earthquakes have increased to more than one every two days on average during the last 52 months.

Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns, “Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; and the Star of Bethlehem) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity (major nations are threatening war right now – possibly nuclear); the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining will also come to pass. Please don’t neglect your eternal soul. If you aren’t saved, I invite you to visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via URL link. *

Praise Report – Iraqi Christian Girl Missing Three Years, Found!

Christina with her mother and father


Three years ago, a three-year-old Iraqi Christian girl was taken from her parents by ISIS. Her father wasn’t present, but she was abducted from her mother, Aida Nuh. I remember her saying how she begged them, bowing to the ground, to give her little girl back, but the terrorists threatened to shoot her, if she didn’t leave.

I remember Aida Nuh crying in desperation, as she told Christian missionaries what happened. It broke my heart, because I remember my son at age three and I wouldn’t have been able to stand it, if he had been taken by terrorists.

I asked for prayer at church for the return of this little girl to her family, and I placed them on my Daily Prayer List.

I remember day after day crying out to the Lord for this little girl and her family, telling the Lord that nothing was impossible for Him and that I was believing Him to send her back to her parents.

I also reminded the Lord frequently, as I cried out to Him, that the little girl’s mother said that they took her little girl, “but Jesus can bring her back!”

I reminded the Lord of that mother’s faith in Him, and how she proclaimed openly that “Jesus can bring her back,” and I told the Lord I was believing with her mother for her little girl’s return!

Jesus said,

“I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven (we must pray according to how God wants us to pray)” Matthew 18:19.

I have also prayed at different times during these past few years that the Lord would allow me to hear of this child’s return to her parents.

Every so often, I searched the internet for the return of the little girl to her Christian parents, but I never found anything about them, until today.

Today, Sunday, as I was researching the news, I visited Shoebat.com, the website of a former PLO terrorist from Bethlehem, converted to Christianity. Walid Shoebat’s site is a good source for Middle Eastern news (he has connections there) and I was looking for news about Syria.

As I searched a few articles, I suddenly came across an article titled, Six-Year-Old Christian Girl Kidnapped By ISIS Found and Reunited with Her Family. I then recognized the mother of the little girl, and I saw for the first time her daughter, Christina, whom I had prayed for these three years.

The prayer request is still written at the top right corner of my Daily Prayer List.

(prayer request circled at top right)

Please pray for the Nuh family. They are refugees in their war-torn country, so please pray for their strength and that their needs will be met.

I have hundreds of names written on different tablets that have accumulated over the years and I only remove a name on occasion, when the prayer request has been answered. This stack of prayer requests remains on my (make-shift) altar and, since I don’t have time to call out all the names every day, I pray for those that God leads me to pray for each day, then I lay my hands on all of the prayer requests and ask God collectively to meet all of the needs. (I pray for each request individually when I place it on the prayer list, and after that, as the Lord leads.)

I can tell you that I have cried out many, many times to God over these last few years for the return of this little girl, and for her family, and I am certain others have prayed.

I don’t say these things to boast about my prayer life. I am sharing this information as a testimony to those whose faith might be weak, and who may not really know how to pray. I say these things to build up your faith.

“You, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost (tongues – the gift of God freely given to those who ask for it)” Jude 1:20.

These Christian parents never gave up looking for their little girl and they searched cities for her, asking about her. After three years, they received a call from someone to let them know that Christina had been found in Hayy Al Tanak, in the City of Mosul. (As a result of the US-backed military offensive, Mosul has been liberated from Islamic State [ISIS] terrorists.)

Glory to God! I praise and magnify His great and holy name forever!

Over the years, I have learned this much, friends, we are not to limit what God can do!

I have also learned that God allows our faith to be tried at times and sometimes, actually many times, the answers do not come right away, but that does not mean God said no to our request, and that does not mean that He will not answer in His own time. In fact, if we hold on to faith and do not give up, and we remain faithful to the Lord, He will answer our prayers, He promised!

The Word of God tells us,

“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” James 5:16.

“Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavers is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord” James 1:6 -7.

“He shall call upon Me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him” Psalms 91:15.

We must remain steadfast and immovable in our faith, saints, in order to see our prayers answered. God is faithful!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

*I delete many comments that appear to be spam. I also automatically delete those comments that contain website addresses, because they can be linked to viruses/crashes. If you have a comment, or prayer request, please do not include a website address, and if they appear to be legitimate, I will post them. I will also pray for prayer requests submitted. Due to time constraints, please be as brief as possible. God bless you.

US-Backed Syrian Rebels Tied to Bilderbergs

Screen shots: YouTube.com


It is no secret that in addition to taking down Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, leaving Islamic State terrorists to take over, and taking Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak down, leaving Muslim Brotherhood terrorists to rule (until a coup d’etat took Mohamed Morsi down), stealthy jihadi Barack Hussein Obama announced he also wanted Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to step down. While he fraudulently remained “President” of the United States (he was not a US citizen), he worked to take out Assad.

With a history of killing Gaddafi, while leaving Libya to Islamic State terrorists (ISIS); stirring up the Arab Spring and taking down Mubarak, which left Muslim Brotherhood terrorists in power; tossing US Ambassador Christopher Stevens “under the bus” in Benghazi, as Stevens made many calls for security before the attack, and for rescue during the attack, everyone in the world should already know what a treasonous fraud Barack Hussein Obama is. (JimMarrs.com reported on the real reason Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered in Benghazi. Stevens had knowledge of the Obama-backed gunrunning to terrorists in Benghazi and Obama wanted him taken out.)

Screen shot: YouTube.com – Ambassador Christopher Stevens brutally sodomized and killed by Muslim terrorists (filthy vile dogs) in Benghazi, with Obama and Hillary’s blessings!

Anyone who backs Obama and Hillary is either very ignorant, or guilty by association.

Charlie Skelton, writing for The Guardian, detailed names associated with the Bilderberg Group who are constantly speaking out against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad; such as Bassma Kodmani, a top leader in the Syrian National Council, a front for factions like Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, who has also attended Bilderberg meetings. Skelton named those who are constantly speaking out against President Bashar al-Assad, who are also backed by George Soros. Some have even been caught propagating lies against Assad in order to take him down.

The lineup against Assad, who is a defender of Christians in Syria, includes Black Operatives working to push their agenda, primarily for gain on their end; and the Arabs, who are oil rich and have paid out tons of money to take out Christians and conservatives. Assad is considered a very conservative Muslim. In fact, Muslim terrorists don’t even consider Assad a Muslim; he isn’t a vicious killer, as they are.

Does this sound like another Libya and Egypt situation? It sure does, and trust me when I tell you those involved already have a Muslim terrorist lined up to take Assad’s place!

Don’t believe me? Just remember what happened when Mubarak and Gaddafi were taken out – gratis Muslim terrorists – courtesy of stealthy jihadi, fake president, Barack Hussein Obama!

As I have said before, the likes of these would sell their mothers for a buck!

We certainly have been given a period of rest here in America with President Trump in office. I can’t imagine what the atmosphere would be like with Hillary in office. God help us! He did!

We aren’t out of the woods though. The stealthy Black Ops working around President Trump have blindsided him to the truth about Assad. Assad is no angel, but he is not guilty of many things he has been accused of. I pray for his safety, and the safety of his family and the Syrian government forces, because they have protected Christians in Syria.

Think about it. Before Obama-backed ISIS and Syrian “rebels” (terrorists) came along, Christians were not, I say NOT being slaughtered in Syria!

The point is that if Black Ops can blindside Trump about Assad, we have to consider what other deceptions they have laid out for him, and pray God will not allow him to be further deceived.

Eventually, according to Bible prophecy, the Islamic Caliphate (antichrist kingdom) will gain control. That’s exactly why it is vitally important to be ready for the Christians’ “great escape” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).

Check this out, demographics even align with Bible prophecy:

Screen shot: YouTube.com – This is for real!

Screen shot: YouTube.com – There are many reasons they hate us. What can I say, we are blessed, perhaps because we don’t behead our family members when they mess up. Our God forgives when we repent!

It behooves us not to think that because Trump is in office, the Lord’s return will be far off. The Word of God tells us,

“When they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction shall come upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape” 1 Thessalonians 5:3.

On November 27, 2011, the angel of the Lord told me, “With the sleight of hand, the nations will be turned upside down.” God sent this Word of warning to me through His angelic messenger, so I could warn others. I posted it on the Prophecy page shortly thereafter.

Jesus Himself said,

“As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be; for as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man (Jesus) be” Matthew 24:37-39.

In other words, the Lord will come for His saints on a seemingly “average” kind of day, and that day isn’t far off, according to Bible prophecy!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *


Shabbat Shalom! Peace to you on this Sabbath Day!


 This is what it’s all about, friends

6.8 Major Earthquake Hits Guatemala Coast



A major 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit near the coast of Guatemala on June 22, 2017, at 1231 UTC, at a depth of 10 km / 6 mi, reported the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a Tsunami Information Statement on June 22, 2017 at 1236 UTC.

800 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 1,580 days. Among these were 91 7.0+ and 9 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; National Tsunami Warning Center; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)

Major to super magnitude earthquakes have increased to more than one every two days on average during the last 52 months.

Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns, “Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; and the Star of Bethlehem) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity (major nations are threatening war right now – possibly nuclear); the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining will also come to pass. Please don’t neglect your eternal soul. If you aren’t saved, I invite you to visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via URL link. *

Iran Threatens Trump!

Screen shot: YouTube.com


Mostafa Tajzadeh, an Iranian politician, one who is close to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, said that if US officials do “anything unwise against Iran,” the Islamic Republic will see that Trump is “deposed,” according to a translation provided for the Washington Free Beacon.

Tajzadeh further said that the Trump administration was “fragile.”

I suppose he is referring to their bought and paid for Democrat puppets in the United States, you know, the ones who would sell their mother’s soul for a buck, among whom are their chief treasonous adherents, Obama and Hillary!

It seems Tajzadeh doesn’t yet realize that God has already placed his big thumb on Obama, Hillary and their cohorts. Sure, there are a lot of bold Liberal protests, just as Iran has been protesting the US for decades, but just try a real war, bub!

Iran and the Liberal Luciferian Lunatic (LLL) protesters have big mouths, but try something of real substance and see what happens to you!

Do you remember Nagasaki and Hiroshima, or were those nonexistent in your minds, like the Holocaust?

Screen shots: YouTube.com – perhaps Fat Man and Little Boy are part of your hallucinations too?

The little cowardly Iranian terrorists are threatening our President, because they believe themselves to have great allies in the US, enough to “depose” Trump!

Iran’s nuclear power will be blown to “smithereens!” Look up that word, you devil-worshiping idiots!

Muslims worship the moon god, as in the crescent moon that sits atop their mosques. It just so happens that the moon is the star of the night, as in darkness, as in EVIL. One would think they might get it!

Iran’s nuclear production will be blown to smithereens, because Iran incessantly declares they will “wipe Israel off the map,” so, God will blow up the power they intend to use to accomplish it!

This must happen, and God will perform it, because He always keeps His Word!

When Iran’s nuclear facilities are blown to hell, they will remember that word, “depose,” because they themselves are going to be deposed – of their lives, their homes, their factories, infrastructure, their economy – poof!

How do I know this?

Genesis 12:3.

That passage of scripture, which has been around for thousands of years says,

“I will bless them that bless you (Abraham – the Jews), and curse him that curses you, and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed” Genesis 12:3.

Iranians should know by now that even when Israel is outnumbered 10 to 1, Israel still wins! One would think they could get it!

For decades, Iran’s Supreme Leaders have threatened Israel, first Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, then his successor, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Khamenei was quoted in saying,

“Iran’s position, which was first expressed by the Imam (Khomeini) and stated several times by those responsible, is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region.”

Iran’s General Mohammad-Ali (Aziz) Jafari said in a message to Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hizbullah,

“In the near future, we will witness the destruction of the cancerous microbe Israel by the strong and capable hands of the nation of Hizbullah.”

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also said,

“I am very optimistic about the future of “Palestine,” and believe that Israel is moving down the steep slope of decline and downfall and with Allah’s will, its extinction will be certain.”

Well, Khamenei, not only do you fail to realize, because you are delusional, that the entire world refers to the land by the name of ISRAEL, which was formerly and temporarily called “Palestine” by Israel’s enemies; but you also fail to realize that every time Muslim nations come against Israel, even when Israel is drastically outnumbered, you are defeated by the hand of Almighty God!

General Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam was a missile scientist and IRGC officer. An Iranian website disclosed that Senior IRGC officer Hassan Tehrani-Moghaddam requested in his last will that his epitaph would state:

“A man is buried here who wanted to destroy Israel.”

God, in turn, blasted him (literally) in November 2011, and he died, with his epitaph.

I could type all night long, but I will stop here, because I think we get the message.

The Word of God is true and never lies. God’s Word says that Israel will return to the land God gave them in the latter days and He will defend them in the land, so they will never be uprooted again (Jeremiah 31; Zechariah 14).

“He (God) shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root; Israel shall blossom and bud and fill the face of the world with fruit” Isaiah 27:6.

“At the same time, says the Lord, will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be My people…The Lord has appeared of old unto me, saying, Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore, with lovingkindness have I drawn you. Again, I will build you, and you shall be built, oh virgin of Israel; you shall again be adorned with your tabrets and shall go forth with the dances of them that make merry. You shall yet plant vines upon the mountains of Samaria; the planters shall plant vines upon the mountains of Samaria; the planters shall plant and eat them as common things…Behold, I will bring them from the north country and gather them from the coasts of the earth…a great company shall return thither” Jeremiah 31:1,3-5,8.

Screen shots: YouTube.com – mountains of Samaria today, full of grape vines!

“The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose” Isaiah 35:1.

Screen shot: YouTube.com – Israel – blossoming like a rose!

The Iranians refuse to see Bible prophecy being fulfilled, and they defy God, saying they will destroy Israel.

Therefore, God will destroy their nuclear power and He will destroy many of them, because not to do so would make His Word a lie. God will protect the sovereignty of His Most Holy Word!

Iran will bring it upon their own heads, watch and see!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Sessions Speaks To 1,500 Members of Law Enforcement

* I found this article in Private view status, but I didn’t privatize it. I am publishing it for Public view again on 9/1/20.

Please be advised that WordPress includes advertisements on this site; they are not selected by the publisher

Edited 12/7/19, to replace videos that were deleted by You Tube, with a photo of Jeff Sessions, and a leaked video said to be of John Podesta (Obama’s former adviser/Hillary’s former campaign manager) torturing a child – viewer discretion advised!


Photo: Wikipedia


United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions held a special conference in Atlanta, Georgia, before more than 1,500 members of law enforcement at the federal, state, local and tribal levels, about recent crime levels, and he touched on resolving crimes of child abuse/exploitation and child trafficking.

That was all very nice.

However, the Podesta Group is located right under your nose, and Comet Ping Pong pizza is only 20 minutes from the Podesta Group! My question to Sessions is why the dogs operating this vicious lobbying firm and the Comet Ping Pong cover haven’t been taken down for crimes against children! When Podesta’s emails allude to pedophilia, according to the FBI’s list of code words, and a video released on You Tube includes John “Skippy” Podesta beating and/or terrorizing a small child, according to the voice analysis included in the video; and when JimmyComet (James Alefontis) posts a “killroom;” blood all over himself with high heels on; and others post children’s coffins on their Instagram correspondence, where are the investigations and interrogations?

I didn’t want to do this, but I am now uploading the leaked video of John Podesta beating/abusing a child at what appears to be a back room at Comet Ping Pong pizza in Washington, DC; a piece of evidence that may infuriate enough people to bombard the FBI with complaints and demands for a thorough investigation of Podesta. I didn’t want to upload this video because of its disturbing content. I will ask that everyone perhaps only listen to a short preview at the start of it, enough to understand what we are actually seeing when we look into the face of John – demon possessed – Podesta!

Now, we can ask ourselves why this dog hasn’t been investigated for at least the crime of child abuse! There is a lot of other incriminating evidence, which leads to much more than “abuse.” We are taking about the sexual molestation and killing of children in satanic rituals, and the conglomeration of this animal with other Luciferian pedophiles, and that there is so much evidence, I am not able to post it all here. Albeit, much of the evidence is included in articles uploaded to the Abominations category. Get an eyeful of incriminating Podesta emails on Wikileaks, while you are at it.

Screen shots: YouTube.com

If the FBI receives enough complaints, now that James Comey is out of the way, maybe they will get off of their wining/dining hind ends and do something to save these pitiful children that are being tortured, molested and likely murdered at the hands of these devils!

Let’s keep praying, friends.

I sent an email to the White House, but with all of the Liberal Reince Priebus type hedgers (hedging the truth away from President Trump), who knows if anyone legitimate received it, or intends to process it.

One small Pizzagate protest was launched in Washington, DC, a number of months ago, and God bless those who worked hard on that event, but it is going to take a lot more than that to get these Luciferian pedophile, cannibal killers off the street, or at least those who act like pedophiles, cannibals and killers! Isn’t it a fact that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and acts like a duck, it is a DUCK?

Who in hades acts like a child molesting/child killing pedophile that isn’t one?!

The Word of God tells us,

“The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God; God is not in all his thoughts…He has said in his heart, ‘I shall not be moved, for I shall never be in adversity.’ His mouth is full of cursing, deceit and fraud; under his tongue is mischief and vanity. He sits in the lurking places of the villages; in the secret places does he murder the innocent; his eyes are privately set against the poor…He has said in his heart, God has forgotten; He hides His face; He will never see it” Psalms 10:4,6-8,11.

God’s Holy Word also tells us,

“Fret not yourself because of evil doers, neither be envious against the workers of iniquity, for they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb…The wicked plots against the just and gnashes on him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him, for He sees that his day is coming” Psalms 37:1-2, 12-13.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

US Navy Shoots Down Syrian Fighter Jet – With Consequences

Notice all of the US made trucks being driven by ISIS, courtesy of Barack Obama, their stealthy jihadi cohort!


A US Navy fighter shot down a Syrian jet after it attacked rebel forces backed by the US on Sunday.

Barack Obama funded and supplied Islamic State fighters and Syrian rebels, many who allied with the Islamic State, and it seems that, in spite of appointing a new Secretary of Defense, James “Mad Dog” Mattis, our military forces are continuing with the same Obama-support-terrorism policies!

After the Syrian fighter was shot down, Ron Paul asked publicly,

“Why are we attacking the Syrians who are fighting ISIS?”

Ron Paul is right, and I have been asking that question publicly too for a long time.

President Trump, with all of his good intentions, is obviously not a military man, nor is he a military strategist. He certainly has excellent goals for the country and, for all appearances, it seemed he made a good selection in Mattis; but apparently NOT!

Trump relies heavily on the expertise of top military brass to strategize our positions and actions militarily, and he relies on their recommendations for engagement.

It seems the still-in-place stealthy jihadi Obama era policies are continuing and they are causing some fallout. After the US downed a Syrian fighter, Russian President Vladimir Putin shut off his military hotline and announced they will view all unidentified aircraft operating in the area of Russian aircraft as potential targets.

Breaking: Putin’s forces may have also killed the Islamic State leader, vicious Abu Bakr Al-Bagdhdadi, and up to 30 ISIS commanders and hundreds of fighters. While Russia is killing the leader of ISIS and bombing up to 30 commanders, the US is trying to take down the defender of Christians in Syria!

Not only are our good men, top military specialists, still falling in the Middle East from this unending war during Trump’s first six months, but now our Air Force fighters stand to get targeted by the Russians! …and for what reason? Let’s review that once again,

…So the US can aid and abet the Islamic State terrorists and Syrian rebels, many of whom are aligned with the Islamic State, by decimating Syrian forces and taking down Syrian President Bashar al-Assad; the same Syrian leadership that has been fighting to pulverize the Islamic State and has actually defended Christians from Islamic persecutions!

Something is terribly wrong with this scenario. We can expect that President Trump would see the despicable crime of Obama’s pro-Islamic terrorism policies, and command a major turn of events in the Middle East, but the fact is, he hasn’t!

President Trump criticized Obama for doing the same things he is now allowing to continue within our military operations. This boils down to one of two possibilities:

  • Either Trump and Mattis are being persuaded by the pro-Islamic Caliphate imps that Obama placed in command during his complete overhaul of our forces, or
  • Trump has had an underlying agenda, despite what he preached about demolishing ISIS during his campaign.

I am hoping for the former, because President Trump has already taken many steps to reverse Obama’s destructive policies and Executive Orders, and I do believe he is sincere.

We need to pray for our President, of course, and his administration. We need to pray that Trump will again overhaul our military forces to weed out the stealthy Muslim terrorists Obama placed in position during his administration to bring the Islamic Caliphate to America.

The Word of God tells us,

“The wicked have drawn out the sword and have bent their bow to cast down the poor and needy and to slay such as be of upright conversation. Their sword shall enter into their own heart and their bows shall be broken” Psalms 37:14-15.

Syrian Christians have publicly expressed their gratitude for President Bashar al-Assad’s protection against the Islamic State, and other radical Muslim terrorists that have tried to kill and oppress them.

On the other hand, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled and the Prophet Isaiah wrote:

“The burden of Damascus: Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city and it shall be a ruinous heap” Isaiah 17:1.

God knew what the Obama and Trump administrations would do since the beginning of time, thus, Isaiah’s prophecy…

That’s not all, this war will culminate to an attack against Jerusalem and the betrayal of Israel by all nations:

“Behold, the Day of the Lord comes and your spoil shall be divided in the midst of you, for I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled and the women ravished, and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city” Zechariah 14:1-2.

We can understand this prophecy is not far off, by observing many other signs and prophecies which have already been fulfilled in our generation.

By the way, the reason that only “half of the city” (of Jerusalem) will be taken by the enemy, as described above, is because we are told later in Zechariah 14, that the Lord will return to defend Jerusalem and not allow the enemy to besiege it entirely, or take it down – ever!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Praise Report – Pastor Hassan Abduraheem Released!

Screen shot: YouTube.com


In November 2015, Pastor Hassan Abduraheem was arrested in Sudan by Islamist Security Services and later received a 12-year-prison sentence for his Christian faith.

I posted a prayer request in December 2016 for Pastor Hassan, and for Pastor Kuwa Shamal who had also been arrested in Sudan. Pastor PKuwa Shamal was later released, although Pastor Hassan remained in prison at that time.

I received an email on Tuesday from Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the Center for Law and Justice, stating that Pastor Hassan received a pardon and has been released!

We collectively thank God for answering our prayers for Pastor Hassan!

Please continue praying for Asia Bibi, who sits on death row in Pakistan for her Christian faith; as well as Pastor Andrew Brunson, who remains in prison in Turkey for his faith.

The Word of God tells us,

“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” James 5:16.

“But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed; let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord” James 1:6-7.

God is faithful, friends.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

ACLJ worked diligently waging a global campaign for Pastor Hassan’s release. Only days after ACLJ sent a letter to the United Nations calling for Pastor Hassan’s release, citing human rights violations, Pastor Hassan was released on Tuesday, June 13, 2017. They continue fighting for other persecuted Christians and for our religious freedom here in the United States. If you would like to help with a donation to ACLJ, please visit ACLJ.org

Trump Assassination Play Proceeds in New York


The Luciferian Liberals haven’t seen enough vulgarity, blood from fighting, spit, trash and vandalism, since Witch Hillary lost the election. (The title is fitting. According to Bill Clinton’s book, she actually studied sorceries and incantations in Haiti during their honeymoon).

The public at large has never seen such violence erupt during a presidential campaign/win, at least in recent history, nor have we ever seen such vulgarity spewed out on public television against a United States President – ever.

Madonna publicly stated she wanted to “blow up the White House” after President Trump won the election.

Katie Rich, writer for Saturday Night Live, tweeted, “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter,” speaking of President Trump’s youngest son.

CNN’s Kathy Griffin videotaped herself in a mock beheading of President Trump, posting it on Twitter.

CNN’s host Reza Aslan tweeted that President Trump was a “piece of s- – -.”

That’s not all, CBS’s Stephen Colbert ranted such vile profanity against President Trump on his Late Show, I am not able to repeat it due to the vulgarity of his statements.

Last Wednesday, an idiot by the name of James Hodgkinson apparently allowed himself to become so incensed against the Republican Party that he showed up at a baseball practice, held for charity no less by some Republican Representatives in Alexandria, Virginia, and gunned down five people, all of whom survived. The idiot was killed by security.  

The list of Liberal Luciferian Lunatics goes on…(now there’s a new meaning for the LLL acronym)

The latest fiasco: Liberal Luciferians held a play on Saturday in Central Park, NYC, “Julius Caesar,” which included a depiction of the assassination of President Donald Trump! That play is sponsored by some very big names, folks.

Liberal Luciferian Lunatics continue making threatening calls to Republican Representatives.

How evil can it get?

We actually haven’t seen anything yet, according to Bible prophecy.

The Word of God tells us,

“Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” Matthew 24:12.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good” 2 Timothy 3:1-3.

Jesus said,

“Then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” Matthew 24:21. 

President Donald Trump consistently upholds the name of the Lord God; he is a strong ally to the nation of Israel, the only Democracy in the Middle East with any real moral ethics; he works hard every day to salvage this nation from the near destruction caused by Barack Obama, and Presidents Bush and Clinton before him.

In response, the Liberal Luciferian Lunatics (LLLs) break out in violence against President Trump, the only decent President we have had in a very long time, and his Republican supporters.

Katy Rich, Kathy Griffin and Reza Aslan have all been fired for their outrageous behavior, and the idiot attempted assassin was shot dead on Wednesday. There has also been an arrest for the threats made to a Republican Representative, and if he is convicted, he will be in prison for a long time for his deadly threat against a federal official. The path of evil ultimately leads to death, but these dumbbells are all blind to their own destruction.

The Prophet Isaiah wrote,

“Wow unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

6.1 Major Earthquake Hits Fiji Islands



A major 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit south of the Fiji Islands on June 17, 2017, at 22:26:02 UTC, at a depth of 518.2 km, reported USGS.

799 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 1,575 days. Among these were 91 7.0+ and 9 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; National Tsunami Warning Center; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)

Major to super magnitude earthquakes have increased to more than one every two days on average during the last 52 months.



Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns, “Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; and the Star of Bethlehem) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity (major nations are threatening war right now – possibly nuclear); the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining will also come to pass. Please don’t neglect your eternal soul. If you aren’t saved, I invite you to visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via URL link. *

A Call For Prayer


Three American Christians are imprisoned in North Korea, Kim Dong Chul (serving 10 years), Kim Sang-duk (arrested 4/22/17) and Kim Hak-song (arrested ~May 2017).

Screen shot: YouTube.com – Kim Hak-song

Kim Hak-song worked for the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST), a university founded by evangelical Christians in 2010. The university is funded by Christian churches in the United States and South Korea. Kim is a Christian missionary and US citizen. North Korean officials stated Kim was arrested for hostile acts against the country. Christianity is considered treasonous in North Korea.

Screen shot: YouTube.com – Kim Sang-duk (Tony Kim)

Kim Sang-duk (also known as Tony Kim), the chancellor of PUST, was arrested while trying to leave with his wife on a flight to China. Kim is a Christian and US citizen. North Korea has not released any details since his arrest on April 22, 2017.

Screen shots: YouTube.com – Kim Dong Chul

Kim Dong Chul is an American businessman who was operating a business in the commerce area of North Korea, although he and his wife reside in China. Kim, who is a Christian, was detained in October 2015, and was sentenced to 10 years hard labor following a brief trial. Kim is a Christian. He was charged with espionage and subversion.

American citizens have generally been released back to the US after being detained, according to a Fox News report, but that has changed.

American citizens should not travel to North Korea, which is run by a vicious dictator, Kim Jong-un. The risks are great, but Christian missionaries continue to evangelize there for the sake of winning lost souls to Christ.

Jesus said,

“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and you shall be hated of all nations for My name’s sake” Matthew 24:9.

Several weeks ago, I entered the names of four US citizens held in North Korea on my Daily Prayer List.

Screen shots: YouTube.com – Otto Warmbier

The fourth person I placed on my prayer list was Otto Warmbier, a 22-year-old college student who was arrested in 2015. He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in 2016 for taking a propaganda sign at a hotel he was staying in. Warmbier was released to the US only a few days ago, but he has been in a coma for the last year, according to North Korean officials. They announced he was released for “humanitarian purposes.” I believe it was because of the prayers of God’s people. President Donald Trump communicated with North Korea for Warmbier’s release, something Barack Obama never did.

Please pray for Otto’s recovery, which would be a divine miracle because of his current vegetative state, and the release of these three Christian men still held in North Korea. God is our Creator, He can do anything!

The Word of God tells us,

“…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” James 5:16.

God also said about His beloved saints,

“He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him” Psalms 91:15.

You may already have a lot to pray about, but God will hear even a few words of prayer for these “in the name of Jesus” (John 14:14). They need not be lengthy prayers, only sincere, from the heart.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Major/Great Quakes Hit Greece (6.7), Mexico (7.0), New Zealand (6.4)



A major 6.7 magnitude earthquake hit the Aegean Sea (Greece) on June 12, 2017, at 12:28:40 UTC, reported LDEO (may not be finalized).


A great 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit near the coast of Chiapas, Mexico, on June 14, 2017, at 0729 UTC, at a depth of 98 km / 61 mi, reported the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a Tsunami Information Statement on June 14, 2017, at 0735 UTC.


A major 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit the Kermadec Islands, New Zealand, on June 15, 2017, at 00:26:17 UTC, at a depth of 39 km, reported Geoscience Australia (not finalized).

798 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 1,573 days. Among these were 91 7.0+ and 9 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; National Tsunami Warning Center; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)

Major to super magnitude earthquakes have increased to more than one every two days on average during the last 52 months.

Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns, “Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; and the Star of Bethlehem) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity (major nations are threatening war right now – possibly nuclear); the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining will also come to pass. Please don’t neglect your eternal soul. If you aren’t saved, I invite you to visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.

Is There A Real Man With Any Grit Left In the World?

Screen shot: YouTube.com – maybe this guy


I received a letter recently from Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). He explained the atrocities (Christian genocide) that are being carried out by ISIS (Islamic State) and how ACLJ is working hard to end the horrific genocide. Sekulow listed a few of the atrocities committed by ISIS:

  • Beheaded Christian children in front of their parents.
  • 250 Christian toddlers were thrown into an industrial dough mixer and crushed to death.
  • Cut off a young Christian boy’s fingertips and beat him in front of his father, then executed them both by crucifixion.
  • Publicly raped eight Christian women, then beheaded them.
  • Burned Christians alive in caskets.
  • Burned a 12-year-old girl to death because her mother couldn’t pay the jizya tax they demanded.
  • Raped and tortured two Christian sisters, cut up their bodies and delivered the body parts to their parents with a video of the torture and murder.

There is so much more, but it would be shameful to even speak of some of the horrific cruelty, yes, cruelty that extends even beyond what is described above, so I will stop here.

ACLJ has gone before Congress and the UUN (Useless United Nations), they have filed motions in courts and Sekulow has even met with President Trump. They are working tirelessly, diplomatically, to end the slaughter, Christian genocide. They operate strictly through donations. If you want to contribute, please visit their website at ACLJ.org.

When it comes to news such as this, I have NO diplomacy, folks.

I would like to know where the world leaders are who have a heart, who find this news so repulsive, they have no problem bringing out their weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION!

What else in hades is a nuclear bomb good for? Every world leader that has one will surely stand before God in judgment for not using it on the Islamic State! These demons have no business living on the face of the earth and anyone who can, but refuses to annihilate them is guilty of the blood ISIS spills!

What about innocent bystanders? Allow me to explain by example. If ISIS lived all around me, I would beg the world to drop a bomb on all of us just to pulverize these filthy pieces of dung! Wouldn’t you?!

In fact, a girl had been raped so many times by ISIS terrorists, she couldn’t urinate. She sent out a message on the internet asking someone to bomb them all, including herself, pleading for someone to just annihilate them! This is a fact; it was all over the internet.

Jesus said regarding such a time as this,

“He said unto them, But now, he who has a purse (supply bag), let him take it, and likewise his scrip (wallet), and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one” Luke 22:36.

Just prior to this passage of scripture, Jesus reminded His disciples that He sent them out on missionary journeys without supplies, money, or even shoes, and He asked them if they lacked anything. They answered, “No.” He went on to explain that He would be leaving them, so it was time to gather supplies, have some cash on hand and sell their clothes, if they had to, but GET A SWORD (now we have nifty guns)!

Would it then be a sin to blow the Islamic State to smithereens while we and our families remain on the earth, until Jesus returns? The answer is a big NO. In fact, He has commissioned us to get weapons and defend our families and ourselves, even if we have to sell our clothes to do it! How much clearer can His message be?

The Word of God also says this about those who shed blood:

“Therefore, as I live, says the Lord God, I will prepare you for blood and blood shall pursue you; since you have not hated blood, therefore, blood shall pursue you” Ezekiel 35:6.

Hint: He isn’t speaking about those who defend themselves and their families. He is obviously referring to those who don’t mind, or even enjoy, spilling blood.

God doesn’t lie and He never goes back on His Word. If we don’t pulverize these beasts, we will face God on Judgment Day!

My guns are ready, are yours? *Store them safely away from children.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

Math Teacher Arrested for Sex With Three Students!

Screen shot: YouTube.com


A 25-year-old math teacher, Erin McAuliffe, was arrested for having sexual relationships with three of her students at Rocky Mountain Preparatory School in North Carolina.

Police confirmed two of the students were 17 and one was 16 years old. McAuliffe is being held at the Carteret County Jail on a $20,000 bond.

While searching YouTube.com for this story, I found pages upon pages of videos about teachers being arrested for molesting their students.

WND.com also has a big list of female teachers who were arrested/convicted of molesting their students. There are 13 pages with approximately 13 teachers per page, so you can do the math. One of the teachers is 60 years old! Age is not a deterrent. This particular list doesn’t even include the male teachers who have been arrested.

WND’s list was started on August 19, 2014 and was last updated on January 25, 2017. The list is compiled in alphabetical order according to the first name of each teacher, so the dates of incidents are not in order.

Do you dare try to convince yourself that these are just isolated incidents? They are not. The problem is rampant throughout the nation. Take a look at the list through the above link, which only includes the female teachers, but there are plenty of male teachers out there doing the same. Do a search of “teachers molesting students” on YouTube.com, and on the internet web browser in general, and see what you come up with! It is shocking and despicable.

Part of the problem is sex “education” in public schools. It should be called “abominable pornography!” Another factor is that “teachers” are hired from all walks of life, some even into the occult and satanism, and so many are godless, secular and extremely liberal in their ideology that they present an open door to demonic spirits, whose agenda is to destroy the youth.

God is real, and satan is real. People who don’t believe that, and likely their children, are doomed for lack of spiritual knowledge.

The Word of God tells us,

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to Me. Seeing that you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children” Hosea 4:6.

Therefore, my plea goes out to those who at least believe in God: please get your children out of public schools before they are destroyed!

If you are interested in finding out more about your options, and your rights as a parent, please visit the Home Education page. (There are links at the bottom of the page concerning the abominations taught to children in public schools – shocking – but only a small fraction of the atrocities are listed!)

The Word of God tells us,

“You shall lay up My Words in your heart and in your soul and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them (the Words of God contained in the Bible) when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up” Deuteronomy 11:18-19.

The Word of God emphatically instructs us to teach our children God’s Holy Word. This, by default, means that we are not to turn them over to the ungodly every day for instruction. If you do, the enemy will use that avenue to destroy your children. There is a way out, even if there seems to be no way. Please visit the Home Education page for more information.

God is a miracle working God, especially when we pray and endeavor to do His will. God provided this miracle (home education) for my son when there seemed to be no possible way on earth, so I know by experience!

Are your children already grown? It is never too late to repent for sins, or mistakes, and start introducing your grown children to the ways of God. With the help of the Lord, you can still win them! It is your calling to do so, even if your children are grown, lest you face God on Judgment Day with the blood of your children on your hands (Ezekiel 3:18; 3:20; 33:8).

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Liberals Fired for Their Hatred of Trump

Screen shots: YouTube.com


You might remember CNN host Reza Aslan’s recent comment about President Donald Trump, when Trump defended his immigration policy on Twitter after the London terror attacks.

CNN host Reza Aslan tweeted,

“This piece of s— is not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.” Reza Aslan(@rezaaslan) June 3, 2017.

Well, Aslan has been told that his slated show “Believer” will not return for a second season on CNN, reported The Washington Post.

I also recently wrote about CNN’s Kathy Griffin filming a mock beheading of trump, after which her contract was terminated by CNN.

You might also remember the story about SNL writer Katie Rich’s tweet, “Barron (Trump) will be this country’s first homeschool shooter;” and that she was thereafter booted out of NBC.

We see a pattern of gross Liberals loosing their jobs over their vehement hatred for God-fearing, and professed Christian, President Donald Trump; which leads me back to an article I wrote, as inspired of the Lord, when witches and many of these Liberal haters corroborated to cast a spell on President Trump to fail his position and leave the White House.

I wrote in response that the saints of God had already prayed and the spell won’t work.

I also wrote,

“THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND ISRAEL CAST YOU OUT OF YOUR OFFICES, OUT OF YOUR JOBS, YOU WITCHES, to demonstrate to you who the real GOD is, the GOD of all heaven and earth!” (https://nowprophecy.wordpress.com/2017/02/25/witches-align-to-cast-spell-on-trump/)

I also asked everyone to be on the lookout for jobless witches who would start loosing their jobs. I did call on them to repent instead, but apparently at least some didn’t.

Have we not seen this come to pass?

The Lord has promised those who dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High (Psalms 91):

“He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor Him” Psalms 91:15.

He also promised,

“If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you” John 15:7.

Does God lie? NEVER!

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Winter In Spring, Still 8′ Snow In California/Arizona



There remains 8 feet of snow in the California Rockies, Cascade and Sierra mountains this spring from the heavy storms this past winter.

DANGER: Streams are rising and they are flowing very rapidly. Three people died just over the Memorial Day weekend while rafting.

These aren’t rafting waters; the flow is fast, deep and extremely dangerous.

Wouldn’t it be helpful if mainstream news posted dangerous weather and conditions on the front page, or at the front of televised news stories? They rarely do.

Dangerous conditions and weather should be at the beginning of televised news. If they were, lives would certainly be saved, but they are definitely opposed to that. It doesn’t meet with their depopulation agenda.

Last week, major storms hit Taiwan (23.6 inches of rain in 11 hrs), with flooding so severe that vehicles were afloat. They shut down their nuclear plant in northern Taiwan.

Tropical storm Beatriz hit Mexico, leaving two dead and 2 missing.

Deadly storms hit Russia this week, leaving 38,000 without power.

Cape Town was hit with a major storm on Tuesday, leaving eight dead and an unknown number injured, as of the latest count.

Cape Town – Photo credit: NASA

The Word of God tells us that the weather will pound the wicked, and since we are living in very evil days, God’s people need to take precautions and pray for safety.

“Behold, the Lord has a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand” Isaiah 28:2.

The Prophet Ezekiel forewarned backslidden Israel, and their false prophets, who declared “peace,” when there was no peace, building a false sense of security for the people who were in rebellion:

“Say unto them…it shall fall; there shall be an overflowing shower, and you, oh great hailstones, shall fall and a stormy wind shall rend it” Ezekiel 13:11

It behooves us to pray for safety and watch weather forecasts daily in these last days.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Fireball Meteor Brighter Than the Moon Falls Over Devon


Well, this doesn’t happen every day, that’s for certain. A beach camera in Dawlish, Devon, caught the awesome sight of a “Boldie” fireball just before midnight on Thursday. Boldies are brighter than the moon.

The Word of God tells us concerning the last days,

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines, pestilences and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

London Mayor Says No To Trump Visit

Screen shot: YouTube.com

President Donald Trump / “Peaceful” Muslims


After the London Bridge terror attacks Saturday, President Donald Trump criticized Mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s response. Khan announced,

“Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed.”

President Trump responded,

“At least seven dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!”

Trump is right in his criticism of Khan. How absurd is such a statement? People need to be on guard, and yes, they should be alarmed!

Mayor Khan and globalists throughout the world are attempting to place people at ease in a world of Muslim mayhem. It is called conditioning, as in, get used to Muslim terrorists and don’t think too much of it when they slaughter people, just be subservient to them. That’s the subliminal message behind such comments and they are deliberate on a global scale, except for President Donald Trump and Israelis!

At least a few leaders are still in their right minds!

Whatever faults he may have, and we all have them, I thank God that our President is standing against the Islamization of the US, even if the rest of the world falls for it.

Khan said to Channel 4 News,

“I don’t think we should roll out the red carpet to the President of the USA in the circumstances where his policies go against everything we stand for.”

That’s one thing Khan has absolutely right. Our President doesn’t like terrorists; he doesn’t want people coming into the US from terrorist-supporting nations; he believes in arming our police and military, so they can effectively defend our citizens; he believes in removing those who are here illegally, especially those who commit crimes here; all of which, as Khan said, “is against everything they stand for.”

That’s pathetic! It is a disgusting and dangerous situation for the citizens of the UK.

Throughout history, Muslims have conquered nations and spilled blood, killing around 270 million people in the last 1,400 years, every one of them precious in the sight of God. This killing is satanic and Islam is not a religion of peace; Islam is a religion of war! They even slaughter each other!

The Word of God tells us,

“Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners” 1 Corinthians 15:33.

We are to avoid the influence of such a warmongering people, especially for the sake of our youth! No one should be immigrating to the US from any Muslim nation, except those trying to escape!

The Islamic Caliphate, without a doubt, is the antichrist kingdom rising. Muslims say Jesus is not the Son of God. Muslims say, “God has no Son.” How much more anti-christ can one get? There are also many other reasons, which I will not elaborate on now, why the Islamic Caliphate will be the antichrist kingdom (for more information, check out the Antichrist Kingdom category).

Khan doesn’t want President Trump in London, but Trump really shouldn’t want to go there anyway. London has too many Muslim terrorists for comfort, not to mention the many sharia courts, or the fact that the UK is rife with pedophiles.

In fact, in early 2015, a naked young man was seen, and actually filmed by bystanders, trying to escape from a fourth level (cathedral) window in Buckingham Palace with bed sheets tied together. The poor fellow lost his grip and fell about 20 feet to the ground. The palace, of course, launched damage control denials and a “debunking” campaign. It is unknown whose window he was climbing out of, but I would venture to say it was one of Prince Andrew’s rooms, as he has made frequent trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island and sexual assault accusations have also been made against him.

*We need to pray for this young man. They obviously wouldn’t have allowed him to escape the grounds alive, unless he has the help of God.

Screen shot: YouTube.com   Prince Andrew seen walking with Jeffrey Epstein shortly after his release from prison for child prostitution.

No doubt, President Trump would just as soon stay home than go to London – too many Muslim terrorists and pedophiles for sure.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

Ramadan Terror Attacks In London

Screen shot: YouTube.com


Three Muslim terrorists wielding 12” knives (how would you like to have your throat slit by a 12” knife?) mowed down people on the London Bridge driving approximately 50 miles per hour Saturday evening. The attackers stabbed a police officer on the bridge, then ran into bars and restaurants stabbing people and slitting throats, while yelling, “This is for Allah!” The attack lasted eight minutes, before police finally shot the killers.

As totally preposterous as it is, London’s regular street cops (I call them “ice cream men”) are not allowed to carry guns.

Do you not suppose Muslim terrorists are aware of this?

Screen shot: YouTube.   London’s “ice cream men”

The “Royals” and Members of Parliament (buffoons) are aware of the consequences. They are among the globalist Luciferian elite and they anticipate the murders of police and citizens, because their agenda is depopulation.

I want to take this opportunity to announce that I have a nice little stockpile of weapons and ammo, among which I also have a handy dandy AR-15 – a-n-d“This (my AR-15) is for JESUS CHRIST!”

I suggest you do the same. If you disagree, please read on…I will back that with scripture.

These Muslim terrorist pieces of dung killed six people and injured at least 30 in London, whose lives have ended, or will never be the same. They have killed 149 so far since the start of Ramadan, May 27th.

Their cohorts, Muslim terrorists, have killed innocent men, women and children throughout the world by the hundreds of thousands just since 2011, not to mention the approximately 270 MILLION they have killed in the last 1,400 years. At least 470,000 have been killed in Syria alone since 2011, not including the many tens of thousands that have been killed throughout other nations, including the UK and the US.

Too many people have died, folks. Is anyone besides me sick and tired of the mayhem, while imbeciles, like Angela Merkel, welcome more Muslim terrorists into their nations?

Prime Minister Theresa May said the attack is being considered as a “potential terror attack…”

…which is likely one of the very reasons London is attacked so frequently. When killers say, “This is for Allah,” as they mow down dozens of people and slash throats, how long does it take to decide you have a Muslim terrorist on your hands?!

President Donald Trump wants to stop the madness in the US. The following is his response to these tragic brutal murders:

“We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the travel ban as an extra level of safety.”

In response to President Trump’s remarks above, CNN host Reza Aslan wrote,

“This piece of s— (yes, he called President Trump a “piece of s—“) is not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.” (sic) Reza Aslan (@rezaaslan) June 3, 2017

In response to this sewage, written by an Iranian terrorist-loving piece of dung, who should not be in this country, the American people need to boycott CNN and demand that they move their hind ends out of America, perhaps into Syria, so they can understand the magnitude of their stupidity—after they are shot up a few times.

President Trump is 100 percent right and every American citizen with at least half a brain left should back him up.

President Trump is actually too lenient. We should round up every satan-worshipping Muslim and extradite their (backsides) to wherever they came from! The first one to go should be Reza Aslan – back to Iran!

If you disagree, I sincerely hope it won’t be the slaughter of your dearest family member that changes your mind.

Certainly, there are non-jihadists, many of whom celebrate the mayhem in their closets, so we have been told by Muslim converts to Christianity, while they smile to our face, which is exactly what the Qur’an tells Muslims to do, until they gain control of the nation in which they reside. Then, it’s public beheadings on Fridays, amputations for thefts, female genital mutilation of your daughters, stoning and hanging (only of the women – not the men) for adultery, etc…for “Allah!”

The Word of God tells us,

“Then He (Jesus) said to them, But now, he who has a purse (supply bag), let him take it, and likewise his scrip (wallet), and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one” Luke 22:36.

This is only the beginning, folks. They plan to conquer the entire world. If you don’t believe that, you need to read the Qur’an for yourself –a-n-d- you need to read the Bible, because the terror of the antichrist kingdom, “fierce with iron teeth” (Daniel 7) is written therein. 

By the way, the Prophet Elijah said that wicked woman, Jezebel, “shall be as dung” (2 Kings 9:37).  

“And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming” 2 Thessalonians 2:8.

In the meantime, saints, be vigilant.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

6.0 Major Earthquake Hits Balleny Islands Region



A major 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Balleny Islands region on June 3, 2017, at 19:17:33 UTC, at a depth of 10 km, reported USGS.

795 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 1,561 days. Among these were 90 7.0+ and 9 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; National Tsunami Warning Center; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)

Major to super magnitude earthquakes have increased to more than one every two days on average during the last 52 months.



Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns, “Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; and the Star of Bethlehem) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining will also come to pass. Please don’t neglect your eternal soul. If you aren’t saved, I invite you to visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.

Kathy Griffin’s Mock Beheading of Trump!

Screen shot: YouTube.com


Throughout the presidential campaign last year and into this year, we have seen Democratic thugs spit on Christians and conservatives, chase them down and beat them up, vandalize, riot, threaten President Donald Trump’s life; and on into this year, the Liberal Luciferians continue to harass, beat people up, even hold classes on how to fight Republicans (physically), call for the assassination of President Donald Trump, etc.

The ultimate insult, however, came earlier this week, as CNN’s Kathy Griffin posted a video on her Twitter account of the mock beheading of President Trump!

The worst thing yet, is that it frightened President Trump’s 11-year-old son Barron terribly.

Griffin’s video and photos went viral and were posted immediately everywhere. Can you imagine your 11-year-old seeing photos, or videos, of your beheading?!

This woman is a very evil, sick person, but she has been a personality on CNN for decades. How can that be?

Breitbart.com reported in February that a research company, Dataminr, found that over 12,000 tweets called for the assassination of Trump since he took office in January. Even though Twitter’s policy is to suspend such accounts, the threats stayed and continue.

Screen shot: YouTube.com


We see our President working tirelessly to establish jobs, build up the economy, repeal and replace Obama(don’t)care, which is financially destroying multitudes across the nation, and do away with Obama’s destructive Executive Orders derived to bring the nation down; but what do the Liberal Luciferians do?

They call for Trump’s assassination online, target and persecute conservatives and Christians, say vile things about Trump on live TV, as did Stephen Colbert recently, while Madonna stated publicly that she would like to bomb the White House!

They are so upset that evil, crooked Hillary didn’t take office and continue the destruction, where Barack Obama left off, that they are outside of reason and violent.

These are signs, among many others, that we are living in the last days preceding the Lord’s return.

The Word of God tells us,

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times will come” 2 Timothy 3:1.

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” Ephesians 6:12.

This is spiritual warfare.

The Word also says,

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter” Isaiah 5:20.

God will have the last say.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via link. *

Hit hard by Obamacare? It would be well worth your while to compare plans and rates among these Christian healthcare cooperatives. They are inexpensive and meet the federal mandates of Obama(don’t)care:

Christian Healthcare Ministries (www.CHMinistries.org)

Samaritan Ministries (www.SamaritanMinistries.org)

Medi-Share (www.Medi-Share.org)

Major Earthquakes Hit Alaska (6.9) and Papua New Guinea (6.1)



A major 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit Near Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, on June 2, 2017, at 2225 UTC, at a depth of 31 km / 19 mi, reported the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC).

The PTWC issued a Tsunami Information Statement on June 2, 2017, at 2234 UTC.


A major 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit near the north coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, on June 2, 2017, at 23:48:18 UTC, at a depth of 200 km, reported Geoscience Australia (not finalized).

794 major (6.0+) to super (8.0+) earthquakes hit various places worldwide over the last 1,560 days. Among these were 90 7.0+ and 9 8.0+ magnitude quakes. (Sources: EMSC-CSEM; Geoscience Australia; USGS; Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; National Tsunami Warning Center; China Earthquake Networks Center; GEOFON; Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory [LDEO] of Columbia University.)

Major to super magnitude earthquakes have increased to more than one every two days on average during the last 52 months.



Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns, “Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places Matthew 24:7.

“Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” Luke 21:11.

Jesus also said,

“There shall be signs in the sun, in the moon and the stars (we have seen this with the blood moon tetrad in 2014-15 on Israel’s feast days, with a solar eclipse; and the Star of Bethlehem) and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity (major nations are threatening war right now – possibly nuclear); the sea and the waves roaring (tsunamis)” Luke 21:25.

“Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching Luke 12:37.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining will also come to pass. Please don’t neglect your eternal soul. If you aren’t saved, I invite you to visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

* Please provide attribution to this site via URL link. *

The Three Democrat Stooges

Pelosi seems to have something going on with her mouth – consistently

Screen shot: YouTube.com


While speaking at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, for the third time, referred to the current president as George Bush. She said, “For decades I’ve served in Congress and for decades I’ve had to fight the Republicans’ opposition to birth control, contraception and family planning. They don’t believe in – – – it, and a lot of those people voted for George…for, what’s his name…?”

The audience broke out in laughter just watching her mess up and wave her hands all over the place, as she struggled to articulate complete sentences and even remember who the current president is! Perhaps they keep inviting her back to get a good laugh.

One could almost feel sorry for Pelosi, except for the fact that she refuses to step down, costing taxpayers her six-figure salary every year, as she does nothing for the American people in exchange. Another good reason not to feel sorry for Pelosi is that she is ruthless when it comes to the slaughter of the unborn – and the born! Which is all the more disgusting as WND recently reported Planned Parenthood doctors joking about decapitating the heads of babies, how their eyeballs fall out, etc!

Next we have Representative Maxine Waters ranting everywhere about President Donald Trump “wrapping his arms around Putin,” although she doesn’t have any evidence to back up those statements, but she knows it’s true!

Waters opens her mouth very wide as she talks, maybe so she can stick her big foot in it every time she opens her mouth.

Waters seems to have something going on with her mouth too!

Again, we see Senator Elizabeth Warren taking on a bewildered appearance, as she is asked to provide detailed answers to questions about how hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Representative Jason Chaffetz simply asked her about the particulars of her agency’s spending, which do not appear on the bureau’s website, or in their report to the Appropriations Committee. She appeared astonished that he would ask such questions and consistently provided evasive answers.

Warren was also kicked off the House floor recently for bashing then Senator Jeff Sessions, who is now the US Attorney General. She was told to stop and leave the podium!

Can you believe it? Warren also has something going on with her mouth!

Screen shot: YouTube.com

These Representatives all demonstrate similar behaviors, confusion, groping for words, lapsing into a state of complete forgetfulness, rambling, flailing their arms around, excessively using their hands to articulate and making statements out of context. They even use an elementary vocabulary at times.

Perhaps these are vile side effects from “young blood” infusions, which are popular among the Luciferian elite. The scientific community would have no data on the (wrath of God) side effects from young blood infusions, but they are very real just the same. Scientists have no knowledge of the spiritual consequences of such evil.

The Word of God tells us,

“Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which you have from God and you are not your own? You are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body and your spirit, which are God’s” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.

“If any man defiles the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are” 1 Corinthians 3:17.

“God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7.

If God has given his saints confidence, power and a sound mind, what do you suppose will be given to those who oppose God’s commandments?

That’s right, just the opposite.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

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