New Executive Orders


President Donald Trump has been faithful to his word during his first week in office, which is quite a change from the past.

Just this week, President Trump has signed Executive Orders to dismantle Obama(don’t)care (“don’t” added), to build the US-Mexican border wall, to stop immigration from Muslim nations that support terrorism, to draft a plan to destroy the Islamic State (ISIS), to launch the Keystone XL pipeline and to defund International Planned Parenthood.

In the meantime, rioters and protesters have taken to the streets.

That’s right, people are rioting and protesting because of the above Executive Orders. Those of us who think rationally can only sit here in amazement and wonder who in the world would in their right minds would protest any of the above.

Obama(don’t)care premiums are excessive, but have been set to skyrocket this year. It has been reported that over 2 million people across the nation were dropped from their healthcare plans, only to find themselves having to face an unsecured Obama(don’t)care internet exchange, forced to enter their critical identifying information therein, which information was later hacked, and enrollees ended up with unaffordable premiums, new doctors and waiting in long lines to see new physicians, A NIGHTMARE FOR MILLIONS ACROSS THE NATION!

In the meantime, Obama and Congress exempted themselves from Obama(don’t)care.

Now, why do you suppose that was the case? Because Obama(don’t)care was only designed to financially destroy most of the rest of us!

Do we even have to wonder who is protesting “The Wall?” Those would most likely be green card holders, illegal immigrants and the families of Mexicans and Muslim terrorists who have not yet arrived. Who else wouldn’t want The Wall; as we have seen Muslim immigrants blow up American citizens, drug lords funnel illegal drugs into the US – destroying our youth, illegal immigrants rape and kill our citizens and place heavy tax burdens on the people of this nation, among whom at least 25 percent are unemployed themselves, along with nearly one in six people on food stamps?

How disgusting is that? Oh, and let us definitely not forget the many thousands still in Obamaville Tent Cities all over the nation – Obama’s true legacy!

Let’s not stop there.

While Barack Hussein Obama saw to it that Muslim terrorists infiltrated the United States, while Christians suffering genocide in the Middle East were ignored, he also gave tens of millions of dollars to Middle Eastern countries, which fund terrorism, to refurbish their mosques. He handed out billions of dollars to support the “Arab Spring,” AKA Muslim Brotherhood Caliphate, ancestors of those who have killed approximately 270 million Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Africans since Muhammad’s time to further Islam and crush other religions. That is staggering, but we aren’t finished yet. We can’t even assess the amount of millions of dollars in cash carried by the CIA to Afghanistan, which is a nation rife with Muslim terrorists and those who commit crimes against humanity! Nor do we know how much in funding weapons and equipment has been delivered into the hands of Muslim terrorists throughout the nations of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and God only knows how many other terrorist nations, through the hands of Obama the Muslim destroyer!

We’re on a roll, so let’s keep going…

The Keystone XL would not only provide tens of thousands of jobs to American citizens, many of whom are suffering unemployment, but the pipeline would help cut America’s dependence on Muslim nations for oil, which also support terrorism!

Some people are raving mad about the defunding of International Planned Parenthood unborn baby killers, who kill unborn babies up to the time of birth, and even after live births, in the most horrific, painfully torturous ways! Absolutely, they believe US citizens have a moral obligation to fund the brutal killing of unborns in other nations. They believe other nations should not have to fund their own slaughters – NO! The demonic Luciferian globalists INSIST that Americans have an obligation to pay for the brutal slaughter of unborn babies, some born alive, THROUGHOUT THE WORLD!

Unbelievably, American streets were lined with women who rely so much on the slaughter of unborn babies as a method of birth control, they wouldn’t dream of popping a pill instead, and they don’t believe women in other nations should have to pop a pill either (not that I endorse birth control pills). A pill is not desirable to these women. Hundreds of thousands insist that their unborn babies MUST BE BURNED ALIVE (saline abortion), or CHOPPED TO PIECES in the womb, or STRANGLED TO DEATH after they are born, or have SCISSORS SHOVED UP THE BACK OF THEIR SKULLS after they are born alive!

Is this not SATANIC?!

These women can be nothing more than the Biblical description of Jezebel:

“And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel, so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel” 2 Kings 9:37.

That was a description of Jezebel’s dead body, a despicably wicked woman. Albeit, her living soul still screams in the pit of hell after thousands of years. You women, who do such things to your unborn babies, who do not repent of such evil; your eternal fate will be the same!

God bless President Donald Trump for finally bringing some humanity back into American society!

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance” Psalm 33:12.

The nation is divided. The majority are blessed tremendously, as we finally begin to experience the results of a President who adheres to God’s Commandments. Those in opposition are languishing, but are we surprised?

The Word of God tells us,

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” Psalm 9:17.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page – your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.

All written publications on this site may be copied and shared for evangelistic and educational purposes. Did Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature — and make sure you copyright it?!” I think not.

God bless you with the Light of the world.

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